Wednesday, July 16, 2008

:Why is Mogadishu -Abgaal town -beautiful?

Mogadishu is beautiful because of mixture of European Architecture and Islamic Architecture and also in particular the hospitality of the local people, about this has been said:

1914 Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan:

“Alleylehee Dad Lama Caasiyee Deris Abgaal baa


1310 Ibna Batuta:

"The town of Mogadishu in Somalia On leaving Zayla we sailed for fifteen days and came to Maqdasha [Mogadishu], which is an enormous town.

Its inhabitants are merchants and have many camels, of which they slaughter hundreds every day [for food].

When a vessel reaches the port, it is met by sumbuqs, which are small boats, in each of which are a number of young men, each carrying a covered dish containing food.

He presents this to one of the merchants on the ship saying "This is my guest," and all the others do the same.

Each merchant on disembarking goes only to the house of the young man who is his host, except those who have made frequent journeys to the town and know its people well; these live where they please.

The host then sells his goods for him and buys for him, and if anyone buys anything from him at too low a price, or sells to him in the absence of his host, the sale is regarded by them as invalid.

This practice is of great advantage to them. We stayed there [in Mogadishu] three days, food being brought to us three times a day, and on the fourth, a Friday, the qadi and one of the wazirs brought me a set of garments.

We then went to the mosque and prayed behind the [sultan's] screen. When the Shaykh came out I greeted him and he bade me welcome.

He put on his sandals, ordering the qadi and myself to do the same, and set out for his palace on foot. All the other people walked barefooted.

Over his head were carried four canopies of coloured silk, each surmounted by a golden bird. After the palace ceremonies were over, all those present saluted and retired."


Unknown said...

Mohamed ibnu Battuta came to Moqadisho 1333 not 1310 is wrong
and had a meeting with the Suldaan omer ibn Faqrudin al banaadir and left a comment about details of Reer Hamar and what he saw.
do not lie on documented history.

Unknown said...

Mohamed ibnu Battuta came to Moqadisho 1333 not 1310 is wrong
and had a meeting with the Suldaan omer ibn Faqrudin al banaadir and left a comment about details of Reer Hamar and what he saw.
do not lie on documented history.

Unknown said...

Taariikhda Reer Banaadir.
C to C

Sultan Reign Notes:
Suldaanada iyo Maamulada soo maray Xeebaha Banaadir

1)■ Himyar Dynasty (Xukume Magaalada Mogadishu ) SHINGAN IBNA HADI IBNA RABICA MA ADI  KARIB  YAFIR. 525 - 560 CE (Ciise Dawadiis)

2)■ Khalifa Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan
646 - 705 CE.
Soo xukumay Xaabaha Banaadir.

3)■ Sultan Abdul Malik bin Muriami.
694 CE Soo xukumay Kismaayo iyo magaalooyin kale Xeebaha Banaadir ka mid ah.

4)■ Muzzafar Dynasty  (Xukumay Mogadishu inta u dhaxeysa Qarnigii 9 ilaa iyo dhamaadka Qarnigii 17 aad Cise Dawadiis.

5) ■ Sultan Abu Bakr bin Fakhr ad Din 1250-1290 of the Mogadishu Sultanate's first ruling house,
the Fakr ad-Din dynasty.

6)■ Will kiisa ayaa ka dhaxlay  Suldaanimada Oo la dhihi jiray:
Suldaan: SheikhCumar ibn Abuu Bakar 1290-1320 Mogadishu

7)■ Suldaan: Sheikh Abuu Bakar ibn Cumar Abubakar (1320-1350)
1331Mogadishu Visited by Ibn Battuta.

1331 CE Mohamed Ibn Battuta wuxuu yimid muqdisho ayadoo barwaaqo ah  wuxuna la kul may

8 )■ Abu Bakr bin Muhammad 1350-1360 CE Mogadishu

9)■ Sultan  Al-Rahman bin al-Musa'id probably 1390 CE Mogadishu

10)■ Sultan Yusuf bin Sa'id 1420? CE Mogadishu

11)■ Sultan Muhammad 1440? CE

12 )■ Sultan Rasul bin 'Ali 1470? CE 

13)■ Sultan Yusuf bin Abi Bakr 14th century. (?) Mogadishu

14)■ Sultan Malik bin Sa'id unknown dates, style 15th century.(?) Mogadishu

15)■ Sultan 'Umar 16th century (?)

16 )■ Zubayr bin 'Umar 17th  century. Mogadishu.

Dawladii Ajuuraan:
Qarnigii 1350 - 1798
 Maamulka Ajuuraan taliska sare
Ajuran Gareen, Arliqo Gareen
Sarjelle Gareen, Fadumo Gareen
Umur Gareen.
Somali ayey ubadnaayeen iyo xoogaa Ajnabi sida Turkish, Persian,
Arab, most Sunni iyo xoogaa Shiico. Xukunka la isticmaali jiray waxa uu ahaa Shareecada Islam ka Ninka ugu Sareeya waxa la dhihi jiray Imam, Ninka Ciidamada hogaaminaayeyna Amiir Ninka maxkamada joogayna qaadhi.
Qarnigii 15 Dawladii Ajuuraan ee Qalafe caasimadeedu ahaa waxay Xilfi lanoqotay
(Gaashaan buureysi ) xukunkii Muzzafar ee Banaadir markaas oo lagu heshiiyey in caasimada Ajuuraan loo soo raro Xeebta  Marka cadeey. Kor ahaan Xukunka Ajuuraan hoos ahaana sida maxkamadaha, Shuruucda Muqdisho gudihiisa  Maamulka Muzaffar. Hadafka ugu weyn heshiiskaan wuxuu ahaa in lâ isku hiiliyo. Lakala dhantaalmin.
Si magaala waliba cadawga
Si wadajir looga ilaaliyo Xeebaha Banaadir oo Bortaqiiska  xoog ku haystay markaas Barawe, inta u dhaxeysa 1499 CE - 1516.
Boortaqiiska iyo reer yurub Qatar joogto ayey ku ahaayeen wadamada Caalamka oo idil.
Qabsashada Barawe oo ay dhacday. Habeen oo dadka ay hurdaan si gaadmo ah dab loo qabadsiiyey magaalada oo dhan.
Sedex maalmood magaalada dab ayaa dhulka dhigay kadib,
Dadka inta duurka Gali karta way carareen inta kale dhac iyo boob ayaa loo geystay. Sida Qof kaa Awood badan sameyn lahaa ayey ku kaceen. 17 sano oo ku dhufo ka dhaqaaq. Bortaqiiska waa u adkeysan waayey. 1516 wuu isaga tagay Barawe.
Asagoo qorsheestay in uu weeraro magaalada ugu qani saneyd geeska Afrika ee Muqdisho. Waxa hogaaminaayey Boortaqiiska  general Tristão. Marka hore in uu weeraro muqdisho waxa is hor istaagay Ciidamadadiisa qaar ka mid ah, oo ku yiraahdeen Waan ku jabeynaa marka aan qiimeynay Ciidamada ilaalinaysa xeebtaas.
Jeneralka tab dagaal ayuu degay.
Wuxuu adsaday jaziirada Socotra oo Yemen iyo Somali u dhaxeysa
Iyo India ayagoo bililaqaysanaaya Doon waliba oo xujaay ama Ganacsato.

® @Aroone.

Unknown said...

Abu Abdallah Mohamed Ibn Abdallah a tangi reached Mogadishu 1331 and he met with Sultan Abu Bakr bin Omer bin Abu bakr Fakhruden correction by @Aroone